And that’s a wrap on one of the most memorable weeks in Kilworth We want to start by expressing a HUGE word of thanks to absolutely everyone who supported to festival in any way - to all those who attended the events in the marquee, who supported our many raffles, who took part in our fancy dress parade and much much more, we honestly can’t thank you enough
Thank you to everyone who helped out throughout the week, to the many men with trailers for moving chairs and
tables, to all those who helped put up marquees, gazebos and even walk a marquee up the village, to all of our amazing stewards, raffle ticket sellers and so much more! It would not be possible to do the festival without the volunteers who offer their time (and patience!) to help, so thank you all
To our incredible sponsors, thank you so so much for your incredible and unwavering support, there would be no festival without our sponsors so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything. Always remember to please support our sponsors in any way you can
We are very lucky to have an amazing sense of community and community spirit in Kilworth and it’s amazing what happens when everyone pulls together, so I think we can safely say this past week has been a roaring success! Will we do it all again next year
So we want to finish by saying, we’re some village for one village There’s no place quite like home